
The ISG team produces or advises on more than 30 public and private research projects and campaigns annually that inspire public action for companies, philanthropic foundations and movement entities. Here’s a sampling of our work.


Current and Former Clients



Allianz Foundation Risktaker Pulse

Recommending specific supports needed by social issue risktakers in five European countries to significantly impact success.

Civic Life Today: The State of Global Civic Engagement

Creating actionable takeaways for businesses, nonprofits and individuals to boost civic participation globally and in four specific countries.

Nivea Global Report on Human Touch

Examining the effects of loneliness and revealing how and why vital human touch is at risk around the world.

Imperative 21 - The Imperatives

Articulating the characteristics of an economic system for achieving a collective vision of shared well being on a healthy planet.

University of Oxford - Movement of Movements

Expanding the agency of systems toward a common outcome.

Running Usa’s Generation Z and Young Millennial Attitudes Toward Running

Sharing findings as to how charitable causes and sponsors/partners can positively influence event participation.

Bertelsmann Stiftung Report on the Next Generation in Germany

Exploring knowledge, attitudes and behaviors on German young people and civic engagement.

The Points of Light Foundation’s Report on Leading Locally: Small Business and Social Change

Exploring perceptions among small businesses and the ways they want to support social issues and their communities.


ISG Research Initiatives

Cause & Social Influence

Delivering insights on how 18- to 30-year-olds take action for social change.

Corporate Social Mind

Giving companies insights on social issue engagement and taking public stands.